You Make Me So Angry
Everyone has to deal with anger. The challenge is to deal with anger in the right way. Anger is powerful - an emotional warning that something is wrong. We have been hurt or rejected. Something has changed and we don’t like it!
Anger itself is not sin. We just have to learn to express anger in the right way. Mishandled anger is destructive but anger that is handled correctly can become a tool for good. God’s Word is filled with tips for learning to handle anger in a healthy and godly way.
Anger is today’s emotional epidemic. What does it take to make you angry? Do you have a short fuse or a long one? How many relationships in your life have been damaged by your anger? Remember … more important than the way you were and more important than the way you are… is the way you can be. Right now, surrender your anger to God and thank Him for a new beginning.he Word of God into your life. It will guide you in a step-by-step way to get God's Word into your life.
Author: Mary Southerland
Kindle version now available: